Nikolina Savić (22) o svom iskustvu na edukaciji u Lodzu o strukturiranom dijalogu
Democracy Youth Builders je projekt u kojem Udruga mladih „Mladi u EU“ sudjeluje kao partner, a glavni cilj projekta je edukacija o strukturiranom dijalogu. Prvi od dva seminara je održan u Lodzu (Poljska) gdje smo analizirali probleme prošlosti, sadašnjosti i budućnosti strukturiranog dijaloga mladih u Europi.
Kako smo najavili prošli tjedan, danas vam donosimo prvu priču iz tima Hrvatske. Svoje dojmove s nama podijelit će mlada studentica Nikolina Savić (22). Nikolina je završila poslovnu ekonomiju na Ekonomskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, a trenutno studira marketing na istom fakultetu. S Erasmus + programom prvi put se susrela prošle godine putem studentske razmjene u Bragi (Portugal). Svoje dojmove s Erasmus + projektom u Poljskoj podijelit će s nama u nastavku.
Prije početka ovoga projekta nisam imala puno znanja o temi kao ni strukturi projekta, no bila sam znatiželjna doživjeti nešto drugačije, pošto mi je ovaj projekt prvi ovakvog tipa. Ono što sam sudjelujući u Democracy Youth Builders projektu naučila je definitivno timski rad, znanje o strukturiranom dijalogu, demokraciji i procesu donošenja odluka. Koncept projekta bio mi je jako zanimljiv i poučan. Super je osjećaj da radiš nešto važno za mlade i njihovu budućnost, da diskutiraš o problemima koji ih muče i da si ti taj koji pokušava pronaći rješenje. S obzirom na striktnost u provođenju projekta, stekla sam dojam da je ono što radimo jako važno. Puno sam naučila, poboljšala svoje prezentacijske vještine, upoznala odlične ljude i jedva čekam drugu fazu projekta koja se održava u prosincu u Italiji.
Democracy Youth Builders is a project in which Youth Association “Youth in the EU” participates as a partner, and the main objective of the project is education on structured dialogue. The first of the two seminars was held in Lodz (Poland) where we analyzed the problems of the past, the present and the future of a structured dialogue.
As we announced last week, today we bring you the first story from the team of Croatia. Impression about project will be distributed by young student Nikolina Savić (22 years). Nikolina ended business economics at the University of Zagreb and is currently studying marketing at the same university. With Erasmus+ program first time she met last year through a student exchange in Braga (Portugal). Her impressions with the Erasmus + project in Poland will be shared with us below.
Before the start of this project, I didn’t have much knowledge about topic as well as the structure of the project, but I was curious to experience something different, since this project is the first one of this type for me. Participating in Democracy Youth Builders project has taught me to do teamwork, structured dialogue, democracy and decision making process. The concept of the project was very interesting and instructive. It is a great feeling that you are doing something important for youth and their future, that you are discussing problems that bother them and that you are the one that is trying to find a solution. Considering the strict rules in implementation of the project, impression for me was that what we were doing there, was highly important. I learned alot, improved my presentation skills, met great people and I can’t wait for the second phase of the project which takes place in December in Italy.