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Prevencija i intervencija cyberbullyinga | #YouCannotDeleteMe! | Europske snage solidarnosti (HR/EN)

(HR) Cyberbullying je vrsta zlostavljanja koja se događa putem interneta i društvenih mreža. Kako bi se spriječilo cyberbullying, važno je da djeca koriste lozinke na svemu što koriste i da koriste alate za privatnost i postavke. Također je važno da djeca ne dijele osobne informacije i da upravljaju dijeljenjem lokacije. Djecu treba naučiti da razmišljaju prije nego što nešto objave na internetu i provesti reviziju društvenih mreža. Također je važno da djeca ne odgovaraju na cyberbullying.

Ukoliko se dogodi cyberbullying, važno je prijaviti ga i potražiti pomoć. Škole mogu pružiti obrazovanje o digitalnoj pismenosti za obitelji. Uz to, postoje brojne strategije koje se mogu koristiti za prevenciju i intervenciju cyberbullyinga:

1. Dosegnite pouzdanog odraslog – mladi ljudi često dobivaju poruku da bi trebali biti dovoljno jaki da se nose s bullyingom sami, ali to nije uvijek slučaj. Važno je da mladi ljudi znaju kome se obratiti za pomoć.

2. Odvojite se – ako ste meta cyberbullyinga, važno je da se odvojite od situacije i ne odgovarate na poruke.

3. Odjavite se i blokirajte zlostavljače – ako ste meta cyberbullyinga, važno je da se odjavite s društvenih mreža i blokirate zlostavljače.

4. Koristite postavke privatnosti – koristite postavke privatnosti kako biste ograničili tko može vidjeti vaše objave.

5. Snimajte zaslone – ako ste meta cyberbullyinga, snimajte zaslone kako biste imali dokaze.

6. Uključite se kako biste zaustavili zlostavljanje – ako vidite da netko drugi doživljava cyberbullying, uključite se kako biste ga zaustavili.

7. Prijavite – prijavite cyberbullying administratorima društvenih mreža ili školi.

8. Empatija – pokušajte razumjeti perspektivu osobe koja vrši cyberbullying kako biste bolje razumjeli njihove motive.

Ovdje možete pronaći više informacija o prevenciji i intervenciji cyberbullyinga:


(EN) Cyberbullying is a type of harassment that occurs online and on social media. To prevent cyberbullying, it’s important for children to use passwords on everything they use and to use privacy tools and settings. It’s also important for children not to share personal information and to manage location sharing. Children should be taught to think before they post anything online and to conduct social media audits. It’s also important for children not to respond to cyberbullying.

If cyberbullying occurs, it’s important to report it and seek help. Schools can provide digital literacy education for families. In addition, there are numerous strategies that can be used for cyberbullying prevention and intervention:

  1. Reach out to a trustworthy adult – young people often get the message that they should be strong enough to handle bullying on their own, but that’s not always the case. It’s important for young people to know who to turn to for help.
  2. Disengage – if you’re the target of cyberbullying, it’s important to disengage from the situation and not respond to messages.
  3. Log off and block harassers – if you’re the target of cyberbullying, it’s important to log off of social media and block harassers.
  4. Use privacy settings – use privacy settings to limit who can see your posts.
  5. Take screen shots – if you’re the target of cyberbullying, take screen shots so you have evidence.
  6. Step in to stop it – if you see someone else experiencing cyberbullying, step in to stop it.
  7. Report it – report cyberbullying to social media administrators or school officials.
  8. Empathize – try to understand the perspective of the person engaging in cyberbullying in order to better understand their motives.

You can find more information about cyberbullying prevention and intervention here: