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(Cyber)bullying | #YouCannotDeleteMe! | Europske snage solidarnosti (HR/EN)

(HR) Nastavimo od našeg posljednjeg sastanka i promatramo ključne razlike između zlostavljanja i cyberbullyinga:

Prvo, najočitija je dosegnutost i trajnost. Dok se zlostavljanje događa u lokaliziranom okruženju, cyberbullying transcendirao je fizički svijet i sposoban je dosegnuti svakoga s internetskom vezom. I ne zaboravimo da se digitalni sadržaj može dijeliti, snimati zaslon i pohranjivati, što ga čini teže izbrisati s interneta.

Drugo, anonimnost. Biti iza zaslona pruža ovu vrstu štita koji omogućuje nasilnicima da uznemiruju druge ljude bez otkrivanja svojeg identiteta. To dovodi do osjećaja inhibicije i manje odgovornosti i stoga su skloniji okrutnosti.

Treće, dostupnost. U fizičkom obliku zlostavljanja razmjena završava kada se obje osobe ne nalaze na fizičkom mjestu zajedno. S pristupom internetu, zlostavljanje transcendirao je fizičnost i vrijeme, pa čak i u sigurnosti svojih domova ljudi mogu biti meta.

Na kraju, publika. Dok cyberbullying ima širu publiku zbog dijeljenja sadržaja i mogućnosti da postane viralan, to pojačava negativni utjecaj na žrtve i njihov osjećaj izolacije. S druge strane, zlostavljanje ima ograničeniju publiku koja je ograničena na prisutne ljude tijekom čina. Ne zaboravimo da se mnogo puta čak i ove fizičke agresije mogu snimiti i proširiti zlostavljanje iz stvarnog života u virtualne prostore.

Ukratko, zlostavljanje i cyberbullying, iako su različiti, mogu ozbiljno negativno utjecati na život ljudi i nanijeti puno štete samome sebi. Važno je ostati pažljivim i kada saznate za ovakvu vrstu situacije prijaviti je. Za više pomoći možete se obratiti ovom kontakt broju:

Uvijek zapamtite #YouCannotDeleteMe!

(EN) Let’s continue from our last appointment and observe the key differences between bullying and cyberbullying:

Firstly, the most obvious one is reach and permanence. Meanwhile, bullying occurs in a localised setting, cyberbullying transcends the physical world and is able to reach everyone with an internet connection. And let’s not forget that digital content can be shared, screenshotted and stored, which makes it more difficult to erase from the internet.

Secondly, anonymity. Being behind a screen provides this sort of shield that enables bullies to harass other people without revealing their identity. This leads to a feeling of inhibition and less accountability and therefore they tend to be crueller.

Thirdly, accessibility. In the physical form of bullying, the exchange ends when both people aren’t on the physical place together. With the access to the internet, bullying transcends physicality and time, so even in the safety of their home people can be targeted.

Lastly, the audience. Whilst, in cyberbullying has a broader audience due to content sharing and the possibility of it becoming viral, this magnifies the negative impact on the victims and their sense of isolation. On the other hand, bullying has a more limited audience restrained to the people present during the act. Let’s not forget that many times, even these physical aggressions can be recorded and extend the bullying from real life to virtual spaces.

To sum up, bullying and cyberbullying, even though they are different, they can seriously affect people’s life very negatively and cause a lot of damage to oneself. It is important to remain attentive and when knowing of these kind of \situation to report it. You can reach out to this contact line for more assistance:

Always remember #YouCannotDeleteMe!